


What started out as an idea for the 2024 Graphic Design Senior Exhibition, became a universal message for future students. Stemming from a brainstorming session with a group of students, I came up with an idea that ended up becoming a permanent installation for the Graphic Design wing of the Myers School of Art. The idea for Designers* was to show that we are designers, but we are more than just that. We have additional talents and skills outside of the design field that are secondary to our main career. I wanted each of us to embrace the singular thing that unities us and celebrate the aspects that differentiate us. Below is a small selection of the posters I made for the wall and the layout for this wall was also created by me!

Designers* Wall
Designers* Poster 6
Designers* Poster 5
Designers* Poster 4
Designers* Poster 3
Designers* Poster 2
Designers* Poster 1